We're Back!
We have started a new Facebook page and need your help to grow it. Share, like, and comment. Every bit of your engagement helps. Also, for more content and resources continue to visit the NSF Facebook Group: "Nine square feet seed starters" both are linked above. Or reach out to a board member for assistance if you need it. boardmembers@ninesquarefeet.org or ninesquarefeet.dsm@gmail.com

We strive to assist gardeners in every stage of growing: whether they're beginners, have tons of space and experience, or are hesitant about even starting. All it takes is a container, soil and some seeds, and you too, can be off and growing. Make sure to attend a workshop or event near you to start your own garden journey.
Our most popular events are our winter seed swap where you can share seeds you've saved from your own gardens or collect a few seed packets to begin your garden. And the favorite event, the spring plant swap. Don't have time to start your own seeds? Head to the plant swap to pick up a few plants already started by other gardeners in your community. Contact us to learn how to be a VIP swapper!
Nine Square Feet Discrimination Policy
Because EVERYONE deserves the knowledge and positive outcomes delivered by growing food.
At Nine Square Feet, we value all volunteers, community members, and employees equally. Different perspectives are vital to the success of our organization and as a result we have a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, color, appearance, education, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, political affiliation, veteran status, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, and pregnancy. Reasonable accommodations will be made for medical or religious reasons, as required by law. If you feel you have been discriminated against, please report directly to the Executive Director who will initiate a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation.